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Do’s and Don’ts of Video Strategy

Considering video is such a big deal in marketing these days, it’s important to know how to do it right; and more specifically, what not to do.

The biggest avenues for video right now is through social media, TikTok and Reels specifically. While it’s not the only thing you should be doing for your social strategy, it can be a very big part of your success if you allow it.

Do – capture your audience without sound. A lot of users tend to come across videos with their sound off (this applies mostly for Instagram & Facebook, but some TikTok users as well). Having closed-captioning on your video allows people to understand what you’re saying without having to turn the sound on. That could be the difference between someone staying and someone scrolling. It may be a given at this point as well, but intriguing visuals and a good description will keep your audience with you.

Don’t – Post anything that does not belong to you or that has third-party watermarks on it. This will not bode well for your strategy on any platform, because the native platforms want to serve videos that were created for ‘their platform only’ (they don’t have to know you’re posting it everywhere). A great way to avoid this is by using a video editor to create your videos & saving it that way, to then upload to each platform respectively. Don’t take videos that do not belong to you trying to pass it as your own; that doesn’t help anyone’s social presence.

Do – keep it short and sweet. Instagram recently came out saying they serve videos 90 seconds or less the most. While sometimes getting all your information into something so short can be tricky, it’s important to give your audience something of value that doesn’t bore them. Attention spans are decreasing everyday with the world at our fingertips, so make something that will help you stand out and actually keep people watching. Longer-form videos can be good for an already-established audience and brand, but don’t come out of the gate uploading 10 minute videos on TikTok about your company, product, or mission; it’s tedious work for you, and users will scroll right on past (if it even gets served).

Don’t – post at random times of the day, thinking you’re helping your strategy; you’re probably not. Knowing when your audience is active is a major component to a successful strategy. If you’re posting whenever you feel like it, you may be missing out on a lot of the people who actually want to see your content. You can search the internet for the best times and each outlet will probably give you a different response. Many platforms give you this information directly on their professional dashboards, catering to you and your content specifically. Take advantage of the free tools they offer you!

Do – post authentic content. Engagement bait is a big no-no. A call-to-action? Great! A part one that offers a part two on your profile? Sure! But putting something in your videos that doesn’t speak to your brand or what you’re trying to accomplish normally has the opposite effect that you would want. Sure, people may chat more in your comment section or send your video, but then when you’re standing out for the wrong reasons, it can be hard to come back from. Plus, this is another big freebie from Instagram that they gave everyone on the internet. Posting to your audience, speaking to your brand, and doing something creative and original will help your odds of being seen by more people. You want to keep a consistent pattern both in your content and in your engagement; it’s much easier to do that when you’re authentic in your intentions on the internet.

Don’t – post to go viral. If you plan to go viral, you probably won’t. Algorithms and timing play a huge part in virality, and the equation for that is ever-changing. Post for your brand, bring valuable content, and play to people’s emotions or needs. Going viral will happen when a lot of people feel strongly about your post in some way.